Wednesday, 8 October 2014

assignment 6. ACSS Terry Fox Run

The Terry fox run at ACSS Secondary school started with a big assembly including local schools.

At the assembly we watched an inspiring video of Terry Fox, his struggle and fight with cancer and how during this struggle he ran a marathon every day for 143 days with one leg. 
First the elementary kids go to line up and get ready.                                          

Then the
students are off!
captain america
in the lead.


                                           Then the not so enthusiastic                                                        secondary students get ready.
Then the secondary students start! these are the few who actually ran in the beginning.
The Terry Fox run at ACSS school was a fun experience for all the kids and also has a big meaning behind it teaching the kids about Terry's fight and getting them to support it. Donations were collected and Terry's "Marathon of Hope" lives another year.

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